Selling items in wow
Selling items in wow

selling items in wow

If you wish to test it for yourself you can level a fresh Shaman high enough to learn Rockbiter Weapon in no time at all. I just checked and the issue is still occurring with the latest release. If you mouseover this icon the tooltip displayed is for said weapon, with an added line at the bottom that indicates the enchant affecting it. They *are* spells, but the auras do not have their own icons, rather it shows the icon of your equipped weapon. In the new version (1.2) I am doing nothing if GetItemInfo() returns no sell price. Why are Flametongue Weapon or Windfury Totem items? Aren't these spells? Issue is present with no other addons installed, and goes away upon disabling this one. It also doesn't show the item's price in the tooltip, which, while not super important, is no doubt related to the instability. When hovering over a buff icon that happens to be an item, such as those created by Shaman (eg- Flametongue Weapon, Windfury Totem, etc), my FPS drops to slideshow levels until I move my cursor off of the icon.

Selling items in wow